June Bugs (Part 4)

[Read first installment here]
[Read second installment here]
[Read third installment here]


The telltale thump-thump-thump churned the air, fanning the heat in Jake and Bridget’s direction. Bridget retreated inside before Jake could think to warn her leaving him to stare at the sky looking for the helicopter.

A firefighter dashed past him, too fast and too purposefully to bother. He stepped off the deck and down onto the steaming grass as the dew reacted to the extreme temperatures. A whirly firework with a loud whistle screamed overhead. Jake instinctively ducked and threw his hands over his head. He made his way to the second engine that had come on scene and over to the engineer who was still standing by waiting for his orders. Only it wasn’t a he. Jake realized that three seconds too late.

“Is this your doing?” Abbey snapped at him.

“What? Me? Not in your life. I’m the one that cleans up his messes, I don’t start them. You haven’t seen him, have you?”


Jake managed to escape letting out a sigh of exasperation. “Chuck.”

“Why should I care?”

It wasn’t worth explaining it to her. It was clear she still held a grudge. But by all rights, she should care. Everyone there should. “Who ordered up the helicopter?”

“You can read, right?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, so look really closely at my forehead.” She pulled off the leather helmet and swept aside tendrils of chestnut hair so he could get a clear view. “Now tell me, do you see information booth printed anywhere there?”

Message received. Loud and clear. He hustled off in search of someone wearing a white or red helmet. He was soon rewarded with a cluster of red and white. Steered towards them. Got lucky when one turned in time to see him and peeled away from the rest to talk to him. His pal, Captain Luke Hennessey.

“Looks like Chuck got himself into a real pickle here,” Luke said once he was in earshot.

“Have you seen him?”

“Negative. He’s not with you?”

“Negative. Haven’t seen him since I got here which was right after your crew arrived. Who ordered up the whirlybird?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”

Both looked skyward.

Luke said, “That doesn’t look like one of ours.”

Jake said, “That’s because it’s not.” He scooted off before Luke could say anything else. He’d have to find a way to get that damn thing down before it fanned the flames into the woods. And do it without killing the occupant. Because Bridget would never forgive him if he took the love of her life away from him.

Jake and Chuck’s Adventures is a new section of KathieLeung.com with weekly installments in this fun and free never-ending story that features two unforgettable spear carriers from Kathie’s works.

This is an interactive never-ending story which readers are invited to participate. Have an idea of where the story is headed? Do you want to chime in with your own story ideas? Hit that comment button and let ‘er rip! Note that these posts are written in advance so your suggestions might not make the next couple of excerpts.

Your rating and comments are all the gratuity needed! Enjoy, comment, and share.

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  1. […] first installment here] [Read second installment here] [Read third installment here] [Read fourth installment here] [Read fifth installment here] [Read sixth installment here] [Read seventh installment […]


  2. […] installment 1] [Read installment 2] [Read installment 3] [Read installment 4] [Read installment 5] [Read installment […]


  3. […] first installment here] [Read second installment here] [Read third installment here] [Read fourth installment here] [Read fifth installment […]


  4. […] [Read first installment here] [Read second installment here] [Read third installment here] [Read fourth installment here] […]


  5. Donna Hole says:

    Shaping up into a fun story Kathie.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kathie Leung says:

      Thanks, Donna! I am having fun with these two characters and can’t wait to see where they go from here. Who would’ve thought these innocuous spear-carriers would ever grow into being well-rounded cut-ups like this?
